

A step towards your dreams

These sessions provide an opportunity to explore and make change in something that deeply matters to you. They can also be an ideal support to integrate the peak experiences or explore any challenges that have shown up for you in Circling.

We love this kind of work as it allows us to laser into together the things that make the difference for you. 

The sessions can take many forms: anything from focusing on a specific clear topic and working from A to B with that — to deep explorations that may become transpersonal in nature. You're welcome to show up as you are with a theme or not.

Circling at the base

Our mastery in Circling allows for creative processes and unexpected outcomes to emerge during the coaching sessions. It helps us get to the heart of the matter quickly and allows for deeply held patterns and ways of being to be revealed very naturally.

As a team we draw upon numerous coaching modalities and therapeutic approaches with Circling serving as the foundation. 

Due to the success of our coaching, we've now developed our own coach training - The Circling Coaching Training.

Committed to your transformation

Typically we like to work with a block of sessions or a coaching commitment over a period of time like 2-6 months (which could also include regular email contact) so that there’s a strong container for development.

Most of us are also available for a one off session if you wanted to get a taste of the work. Reach out to us individually to discuss what we can create together that is tailored specifically for you. For more about our backgrounds and qualifications click below.


Examples of coaching themes:

  • Developing a greater sense of purpose, proactivity and vitality
  • Accessing the emotional states behind addictions and chronic physical conditions
  • Integrating primal energies
  • Bringing more intimacy and connection to key relationships
  • Uncovering deeper masculine/feminine qualities
  • Further exploring circling and deeper spiritual states
  • Cultivating self connection through deeper listening to the body’s wisdom
  • Working with eroticised wounds and becoming more intimate with your sexuality
  • Supporting the relaxation of deep survival strategies
  • Embodiment, grounding and presence

I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed and benefited from our session. It reminded me why I was drawn to circling in the first place and made me see the potential of this work all over again.


In my view, alongside his steady skills in classical coaching structures, Johns radical trust in experience and rigourous willingness to bring himself from the moment, has more efficiently than ever before expanded my horizon and found me where Ive anciently been longing to feel seen: inevitably inviting me to acknowledge my undisclosed capacities to a larger range of people - and to myself. The geniuous beast truth-hunter will likely bring your essence out of hiding whether you like it or not, and I suspect you’ll likely like that very much.






Your coaching this year has really helped catapult me out of places where I have been hiding for a long while. And even though I’m still easing my way out, I already see and feel more of myself- precious to me.



New York


New York

Our conversation the other night was one of the most fulfilling conversations I have ever experienced. Very powerful night, and a blessing.






You taught me to love better. I am connecting much more [with my business partner]—more realness, more mutual respect, more honesty—than ever before. I feel more alive in my body, and less like hiding my aggression when I feel it. Thank you.



50% Complete

Two Step

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