Surrendered Leadership Training


Aims of the training

  • Support mastery of Surrendered Leadership post-SAS Circling Facilitator training.
  • Explore the depths of what Surrendered Leadership is and share and transmit the leading edge of it.
  • Codify the practice to the best of our ability so that Surrendered Leadership becomes more available in the places of the world that need it the most.
  • Develop leaders of the future. 


5 week-long retreats over 2 years - It's possible to just join one week or the weeks of your choice. To be eligible for the week 5 Mastery week, you will need to have participated in at least one week before. The programme will re-start in January 2025.

Past trainings:

Week 1: Malmö. View programme.

Week 2: Netherlands. View programme.

Week 3: Costa Rica. Video info. View programme.

Week 4: Malmö. View programme.

Upcoming trainings:

Week 5: *SOLD OUT* Netherlands Mastery week, 26th October - 1st November 2024. Register for the wait list here.

Malmö, 23rd-29th June 2025.

Course Leaders: John Thompson, Sean Wilkinson plus support team of our Senior leaders.

Read this blog post about the training itself by Sean Wilkinson or for more on Surrendered Leadership this podcast episode with John Thompson.

Watch here

What is it to lead Surrendered Leadership?

It’s to invite people into Surrender and Leadership.

Our premise is that to do this best you must surrender yourself as this is an act of trust in yourself, life and the leadership of others. In this way you’re setting a context with your being that others can lead themselves and it’s an act of leadership to do the thing you’re inviting. It’s also an act of faith.

To surrender when you lead means to approach the moment your leadership role starts (and continuously throughout it) with a freshness to what’s present and to connect to what’s in front of you and the infinite possibility of this moment.

It means to remain in your role of being responsible for supporting people to get and partake in the context but to feel the magnitude of what that context actually is and therefore to Surrender as an act of grace.


The Surrendered Leadership Training weeks have been the trainings that have touched me the most in my life. It is the advanced training I have always wanted without even knowing it. What Sean and John transmit in this training feels like it is the response to a calling. The training weeks have been some of the best times of my life.


These Surrendered Leadership Training weeks ignited a profound development in my leadership; I cultivated a deepening of presence and expanding capacity of being with what is. I walked away with new imprints of what the practice beholds, while the mystery was as ever taking the lead. It was a big gift and so much fun to be in this 7 day container with amazing other human beings, letting life flow through us; dance, eat good food, enjoy nature, make music and practice.


Martje Witzel

Coach & Circling leader

Martje Witzel

Coach & Circling leader

I have participated in three SL training weeks, and each of them in their own way have been organic and magical experiences of healing and transformation. I leave these weeks with an increasing sense of integration and connection to presence, power and love, allowing me to become more of the man that my wife always deserved – and by the way a better leader and coach too.


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