Weekend Training & Events Calendar


Excellent and terrific work... highly needed in these times.


Circling has completely transformed my life and relationships. The practice has helped me become a better friend, leader, and teacher.


Circling Europe are in many ways standing head and shoulders above the rest of the circling community. If you want advanced training, they are unearthing some of the most dynamic and impactful trainings I’ve seen.


CE helped me come back to myself.


Christina Tonan


Christina Tonan


Your coaching this year has really helped catapult me out of places where I have been hiding for a long while. And even though I’m still easing my way out, I already see and feel more of myself- precious to me.


Pamela Yap


Pamela Yap


The Circling Europe team are doing truly pioneering work in leadership development, skillfully working with conflict, and getting to the heart of intimacy. It is wonderful to lead with them—I haven’t found anything this deep outside of psychodrama in all my decades of teaching. I give it my highest recommendation.


Eduardo VerdĂş, T.E.P. MSc.

Director of the Norwegian Moreno Institute

Eduardo VerdĂş, T.E.P. MSc.

Director of the Norwegian Moreno Institute

My life is full of meaningful relationships, my company earns higher profits, my day is filled with mystery and a sense of awe, and my mind uses every experience to continually transform itself. These are all symptoms of the real change that occurred in me by working with Circling Europe—a true transformation of my consciousness.


Griffin Brown

Founder, Therapitas

Griffin Brown

Founder, Therapitas

50% Complete

Two Step

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