Drop-in Circling® (Online)


Weekly opportunities to drop into presence, connection and aliveness from the ease of your home.

  • Sessions take place every Tuesday 15:30-17:00 (CEST) (9:30am -11am EDT) and Wednesday 19:00-20:30 (CEST) (1pm-2:30pm EDT).
  • It's quite amazing how a 90 minute session like this can impact your mood and orientation to life.
  • These sessions are for beginners and experienced practitioners and  cover the full range of Circling from the basics to the advanced. 
  • The sessions are led by senior leaders Ben Hodgson, Einar Boson, Els Marie Cardinaels and Ronja Lofstad.


Upcoming sessions  

Wednesday, 24 July 19:00-20:30 (CEST) / 1pm-2:30pm (EDT) - Einar

Wednesday, 7 August 19:00-20:30 (CEST) / 1pm-2:30pm (EDT) - Ben

Tuesday, 20 August 15:30-17:00 (CEST) / 9:30am-11am (EDT) - Els Marie

Tuesday, 3 September 15:30-17:00 (CEST) / 9:30am-11am (EDT) - Els Marie

Wednesday, 4 September 19:00-20:30 (CEST) / 1pm-2:30pm (EDT) - Ronja

Book a session (€20,00)

Donation-based sessions

We also run one Circling session per week that is donation-based for those in financial hardship. These sessions are run by newly certified graduates of our SAS training on Thursdays 18:00-19:30 (CEST) (12pm-1:30pm EDT) and Fridays 10:00-11:30 (CEST).

Book a session

The term “Circling®” is a registered trademark. Circling Europe has a license from the International Circling Federation to use the term, in accordance with their guidelines, in relation to the training and facilitation we offer. The European Circling Approach is one of three schools licensed to offer Circling Certification. You can read about the unique distinctions between the three lineages, as well as the standards of service required of licensees, on the International Circling Federation website. 


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