Welcome to our Online CirclingÂŽ Coaching Training


Bring your whole self to coaching. 

  • Learn to coach people in a way that is also transformational and highly nourishing for yourself.

  • Integrate wisdom from the worlds of Coaching, Circling, Trauma and Philosophical counselling.

  •  Nurture your personal genius rather than fit into a mould. 

  • Join a highly practical 6-month transformational arena.

  • Build on the great base that Circling provides for top level coaching.


A significant part of the training will be about learning to embody 'Wholeness' - which connects to realising the intricate ways in which we participate with our struggles and the profound freedoms that lie on the other side of this.


It will also focus on deepening our compassion, extending our ranges and developing laser-sharp clarity so we have a better ability to meet and support others in the full depths of their experience.


The best coaching happens when we are also being transformed through the process. In this way we allow for true emergence.


Here's an overview of the content


A Highly Personalised Course


This course is about supporting you to become the best coach you can be over the 6 months. Models, practices and perspectives will be used in service of nurturing and building upon your current skills, not fitting you into a ‘cookie-cutter’ mould. Coaching is an art and you already have a unique way with people. Your mastery will be discovered primarily by working through the things that get in the way of your natural loving presence as a coach.

The course will be very alive, with the course content not being completely predetermined beforehand so that we can continue to meet the important edges in your evolution as a coach. The sessions will be highly practical, non linear, no theory without practice and although we’ll be bringing forward content every session there will be a Surrendered Leadership spirit. You’ll be practicing coaching throughout the whole 6 months and the team will be with you every step of the way.



  • The next 6 month course will begin in September 2024. Register now and get full access to the curriculum!
  • 2.5 hour online calls 3 out of every 4 weeks, 4 individual supervision sessions (with numerous clients you'll be working with throughout the programme), 3 coaching sessions, structured supportive contact with the team throughout and thorough curriculum material.
  • Primarily for people who have done our SAS Circling Training, but if you’re an experienced circler, therapist or coach you’re welcome to apply.
  • Led by John Thompson, Sean Wilkinson, Ellen Waenink, plus guests. 
  • €3400

If you're interested, please message [email protected]

Register here

Course Leaders


John Thompson


Sean Wilkinson


Ellen Waenink


The term “Circling®” is a registered trademark. Circling Europe has a license from the International Circling Federation to use the term, in accordance with their guidelines, in relation to the training and facilitation we offer. The European Circling Approach is one of three schools licensed to offer Circling Certification. You can read about the unique distinctions between the three lineages, as well as the standards of service required of licensees, on the International Circling Federation website.Â