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through Deeper


Transformation through

Deeper Connection

Build a more honest, compassionate, and empowered way of relating that lays the ground for profound change and connection in your life.

Through Circling® and Surrendered Leadership, we have seen thousands of people become more loving, expressed, connected and alive. We see people overcome decades-old barriers and habitually destructive ways of operating in the world.  Flow states, synchronicities and psychedelic-like experience (on the other side of dedicated practice) are commonplace.

These modalities are 21st century technologies that can help us to meet the greatest challenges we face both personally and globally. You can join a free online intro to circling, come to one of our events or watch this documentary about our work.

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Circling Europe created Surrendered Leadership, the 5 principles of Circling and have been the organisation most behind the growth of Circling around the world this last decade.
We have certified hundreds of Circling Leaders world wide and are pioneers of Relational Presence and Transformational Connection.  
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We imagine you have questions...

If you're new here, you probably have a lot of questions about what is Circling®, what actually happens and what you might get out of it. 

You might want to read a Forbes article about us, or you might be ready to join a free introduction or go straight to our events calendar. 

Perhaps you wonder about the philosophies informing our work, what we value, or who we are as a team. 


Upcoming Events

We host a variety of online events, regular free intros and in-person weekend events all over the world. We have our flagship SAS 6-month Circling facilitator training, a coaching training, and annual International Circling festival. We also have ongoing projects working directly with organisations. Check our events calendar to see what might be right for you.  To get in contact you can email [email protected].

*SOLD OUT* Circling by the Sea Retreat Norway 19th-25th August

Led by Peter Munthe-Kaas and Ronja Lofstad.

€650,00 EUR

Learn from anywhere in the world through our online experiences.

Free Introduction to Circling 27th August

Led by Els Marie Cardinaels, Senior Leader at Circling Europe.


Drop-in Circling

Weekly opportunities to drop into presence, connection and aliveness from the ease of your home.

€20,00 EUR


Free Intro Session to Circling®

The next 1.5-hour introductory session to Circling will be on Tuesday, 27th August, 7:30pm-9pm (CEST) (1:30pm-3pm EDT).


Click here to register

How can you find out more?


Check out our youtube channel, facebook group or facebook page. You'll find a variety of resources including videos, articles, and mini-courses in our resources section above.  

Consider joining our email list below. We only send out emails that we think are meaningful or useful to you, and adhere to strict internal standards of privacy.

Thanks for dropping by and maybe see you in an event!

The Circling Europe Team

P.S. Here’s some recent content from our blog for you to contemplate…

The term “Circling®” is a registered trademark. Circling Europe has a license from the International Circling Federation to use the term, in accordance with their guidelines, in relation to the training and facilitation we offer. The European Circling Approach is one of three schools licensed to offer Circling Certification. You can read about the unique distinctions between the three lineages, as well as the standards of service required of licensees, on the International Circling Federation website.Â