
Free Awaken to Wholeness Online Summit

Jan 13, 2017

We're proud to be a part of the Awaken to Wholeness Summit, a free online journey January 23 - February 1, 2017. John...

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Unconventional Life Summit: Jan 15-17

Jan 13, 2017

We're excited to be a part of The Unconventional Life Summit January 15-17. John Thompson, Sean Wilkinson and Jordan...

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CircleAnywhere as a Deliberately Developmental Organization... information & opening discussion on what that means

Jan 13, 2017

The following was a letter to the CA Staff from May 25, 2016; we decided we’d share it with the public because...

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Cohering the Integral We Space: Engaging Collective Emergence, Wisdom and Healing in Groups

Nov 30, 2016

This peer-reviewed anthology brings together an overview of we-space practice within the global integral world....

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Commitment to Connection

Sep 13, 2016

An invitation to stay in connection with whatever is arising between you and others. This includes revealing...

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Owning Your Experience

Sep 12, 2016

Getting to our deepest truth, our unarguable experience beyond our projections. Encourages us to take responsibility...

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Staying With the Level of Sensation

Sep 11, 2016

By including the subtle bodily sensations in our awareness and expression, we can share with more power, presence,...

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Trusting Experience

Sep 09, 2016

Invites us to honor the relative truth of any given experience inside of us, while discerning what is happening. It...

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